Atlanta attractions: Best Atlanta attractions to visit in 2020

Atlanta attractions

The site contains Atlanta attractions – descriptions, and travel tips. The list is based on popular guides and Dublin Painters presented by type, name, and rating. Here you will find answers to questions: what to see in Atlanta, where to go, and where are the popular and interesting Atlanta attractions.

Emory University

Emory University is a private research institution with nine schools and colleges specializing in the history of art, religion, medicine, economics, and legal disciplines.

The university originally opened in 1836 in Oxford. In essence, it founded by a group of representatives of the Protestant church, and this institution named after John Emory, a well-known public and religious figure. In 1915, the university moved to Atlanta, where the founders saw much greater prospects for the development of their activities.

The university’s main campus located in a suburb of Atlanta on the Druid Hills. The campus decorated with neat gardens where fruits are grown, most of which go to the university cafeteria. Caring not only about the external beauty of the territories but also about clean air, the administration in every way encourages its students and teachers to use bicycles.

Among the most notable places on the territory of the university is the Carlos Carlos Museum, which specializes in oriental displays, the Robert Woodruff Library, which holds rare editions of books by Dublin Painters authors such as Daniel Defoe and Alice Walker, as well as the Lullwater Nature Reserve, which is 4 hectares of green spaces and lakes.

Atlanta Zoo

The Atlanta Zoo, founded in 1889, is home to more than 1,000 animals, representing 250 different species. Among them are as rare as a giant panda. In the aviary, where a couple of pandas live, a webcam installed. So, thanks to which animals can watch from anywhere in the world. The zoo is actively involved in the development of programs and activities for the conservation of giant pandas in collaboration with Chinese experts. This is the best one among Atlanta attractions.

The zoo is also famous for the fact that two giraffes and toucans. Which very rarely breed in captivity, were born here. Gorillas and orangutans live here – in Atlanta, there are more of them than anywhere else in the USA.

The zoo also has various attractions for children, souvenir shops and cafes. Entertaining and educational events regularly held.

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