Ottawa attractions: Best places to visit in 2024

Ottawa attractions

The site contains Ottawa attractions – descriptions and travel tips. The list is based on popular guides and presented by type, name, and rating. Here you will find answers to questions: what to see in Ottawa, where to go, and where are the popular and interesting places of Ottawa attractions.


The Ottawa Centertown West district, along West Somerset Street, is the country’s main Chinatown. Its borders are rather blurred, but it is best to visit West Somerset Street. The townspeople themselves call this area simply “Chinatown.” In fact, it is not the place of residence of emigrants from the Celestial Empire; rather, here more than anywhere else in the city, you can find characteristic Asian species. This is one of the best Ottawa attractions.

Chinatown consists mainly of numerous shops, craft shops, restaurants, and bars. If you should try Asian cuisine somewhere, then it is in the area of ​​Chinatown. Although in addition to traditional Chinese dishes, you can find restaurants with Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, or Thai cuisine.

Parliament Hill

Parliament Hill is a magnificent architectural complex that serves as a meeting place for the Canadian Federal Legislature. Looking at the full power of the building, you understand that only competent specialists can work here.

But tourists are usually not attracted to members of parliament. It is much more interesting in the morning to look at the changing of the guard, admire the architecture and monuments, and then visit the famous Peace Tower, where the Memory Books containing the names of all Canadians who died in wars are stored. This is the best place among Ottawa attractions.

After a sad moment of recollections of the deceased, one should visit the central square of Parliament Hill, in the center of which an unquenchable fire burns – a symbol of the unity of Canada. Brilliant minds designed a pedestal for him – flames burst out of the water!

You can’t imagine a better day to visit the hill than July 1, because this is Canada Day – every year on this patriotic evening grandiose theatrical performances take place here.

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Rideau Waterfalls

Rideau Falls is one of the waterfalls located in Canada. More precisely, there are two waterfalls; they form at the place where the Rideau River flows into the Ottawa River. Between these two waterfalls is Green Island. The waterfall itself is not very beautiful, but in winter, when the water freezes, it looks very unusual.

This name was given to the waterfalls by Samuel de Champlain in 1613, which was reminded of a curtain by the sight of falling water. In French, it sounds like a “Rideau” – Rideau. Later, the river named after this, and already by the name of the river, many other objects in Ottawa were named.

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