Electra Street, Beside Alam Super Market, E3 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Indian Hyderabadi Ritaj Restaurant. Based in UAE SINCE 2007 Abu Dhabi 2 branches & Musaffah 3 branches.
استمتع بأشهى الأطباق المتنوعة في مطعم ريتاج. نقدم تشكيلة واسعة من الأطعمة الشهية التي تجمع بين المأكولات العالمية والشرق أوسطية في أجواء راقية ومرحبة. زرنا اليوم لتجربة طعام لا تُنسى.
Enjoy the best of diverse dishes at Ritaj Restaurant. We offer a wide variety of delicious foods combining international and Middle Eastern cuisines in an elegant and welcoming atmosphere. Visit us today for an unforgettable dining experience.
91% of people would recommend it to a friend
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Electra Street, Beside Alam Super Market, E3 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Monday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
Tuesday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
Wednesday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
Thursday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
Friday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
Saturday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM-10:30 AM
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