Los Angeles: Entertainment and Attractions Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the world capital of cinema. And the main local attractions associated with him. The huge inscription “Hollywood” is itself considered a symbol of this city; it is impossible to come to LA and not see it. However, first of all, most tourists go to the Hollywood Stars Alley. The laying of new commemorative signs in honor of outstanding figures of cinema, music, and television. It has not stopped for more than half a century. Today, the number of celebrities who have their star on this alley has already exceeded 2500.

The Avenue of stars stretches for 18 quarters, so you will have to spend a lot of time searching for the right stove.

Chinese Grauman Theater

This is also worth a look at the Walk of Fame, located in front of the famous Chinese Grauman Theater, a vivid example of oriental architecture. It occupies a much smaller area than the Avenue of stars, and the laying of new plates is much less common. It is all the more fascinating to switch from one set of imprints frozen in concrete to another. The Grauman theater itself is exciting both for its unusual interior and the events taking place in it. You can enjoy the first on excursions, and see the prime timetable on the official website.

Another interesting place that you can spend a day exploring is Universal Studios and the eponymous park. Here, as in all aircraft, life does not stop boiling for a minute. Idle tourists roam the filming pavilions and thematic attractions, and a few meters from them the process of creating a new blockbuster is in full swing.

If it is not possible to spend the whole day at the studio, it is still worth a look there to look at the naturalistic scenery and objects that took part in the filming of your favorite films.

In Los Angeles, there is a place where you can see almost real Hollywood stars. 

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum in Los Angeles

In the famous Madame Tussauds Wax Museum, most of the exhibits depict famous actors, directors, athletes and even cartoon characters. Many of them can found at work – the exposition presents whole scenes from films. And although it is unlikely that photos with real Johnny Depp and Jennifer Lopez from Los Angeles can brought, their exact wax copies will be a great alternative, and they will smile just as good on camera.

One of the most interesting and at the same time not related to the world of cinema LA sights is the Natural History Museum. On three floors there is a genuinely massive exposition with more than 35 million exhibits. Of particular interest is the Dinosaur Hall, which presents as whole skeletons of long-extinct animals, and their parts.

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