Belize Museum – Best museums to visit in Belize

The Belize Museum is located in a two-story building, built in 1857, and has long served as a prison for dangerous criminals. So, the building regularly performed its original function until 1998, when it underwent a major restoration and opened to visitors as a Museum of Belize on February 7, 2002. Where prisoners used to languish, historical values ​​are now stored. This is the best museum among Museums in Belize.

The museum building is made of brick, which English ships brought to the port of Belize, using it as ballast. So, here they disposed of it as unnecessary, and residents successfully used bricks in construction.

The part of the ground floor has completely preserved the historical appearance, including the original brickwork and bars on the windows, so it creates the atmosphere of a prison cell. Another part is devoted to photographs and exhibits telling about the history of the country over the past 350 years—an interesting collection of postcards of the colonial period and the exhibition of postage stamps of Belize.

On the second floor are the most valuable historical exhibits – artifacts of the Mayan culture. Pottery, priceless ceramic vases, decorative steles with inscriptions, exact copies of the so-called “Jade heads,” figurines, and jewelry made of precious stones are exhibited here.

The museum has an excellent collection of insects, including rare specimens. A collection of antique bottles, and a collection of coins from Belize.

Gulisi Garifuna Museum

The Gulisi-Garifuna Museum is located in the city of Dangriga in southern Belize. Therefore the museum is dedicated to the history of the Garifuna people who came from the island of San Vincent. This is one of the best Museums in Belize.

The museum opened on November 18, 2004. Hundreds of people and businesses throughout Belize organize funding for its creation and exhibits. In the museum, you can learn the people’s history, listen to their songs, play the drums, and see national dances. Therefore, the museum is equipped with excellent technology, which is very important now to attract visitors.

A full-sized version features a garden where traditional plants and herbs are grown.

The museum is named after Gulisi, a heroine who survived deportation from the island of San Vincent to Roatan. Gulisi, later with thirteen children, founded the settlement of Punta Negra in Belize.

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