Portland attractions: Best places to visit in Portland

Portland attractions

The site contains Portland attractions –  descriptions and travel tips. The list is based on popular guides and is presented by type, name and rating. Here you will find answers to questions: what to see in Portland, where to go and where are the popular and interesting Portland attractions.

Arboretum Hoyt

The city of Portland in Oregon has officially recognized as one of the most favorable cities in the United States for living. Here, Portland attractions, the largest number of green spaces, parks, and gardens per capita, for which Portland is often called the City of Roses.

The city acquired about eighty hectares of land in 1922. A grand program developed, the author of which was Ralph Hoyt. Eight thousand plants planted in the protected area from all the United States and several other countries. Excursion paths with a total length of about twenty kilometers laid throughout the arboretum.

Visits to the arboretum will be the final pleasant walk that will allow you to appreciate Washington Park.

International Experienced Rosary

In many travel guides and travel guides, Portland, Washington, is called Rose City. This is due to the urban landscaping program, which provides per capita a particular area of ​​parks, squares and green spaces. The mild climate allows you to break whole hectares of gardens, grow plants from other continents, and amaze everyone with the fantasies of landscape designers. Every year in June, a rose festival held in the city, in which local varieties participate.

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit this colorful festival, take the time to visit the world-famous rose garden, where all Portland roses grown. Here are an experimental selection and breeding of new varieties of roses that bloom from May to October. So, here is one place more than seven thousand rose bushes of 550 varieties collected. During the festival, the Queen of Roses chosen from a variety of colors, which then participates in the carnival and Parade of Lights.

Oregon Zoo

Portland Oregon Zoo is the oldest west of the Mississippi. It located in Washington Park, which includes, among other things, an arboretum, a Japanese garden. So this an experimental rose garden, and even its railway. Find here Lofty Property Management. The zoo appeared here in 1888 and began with a single animal. It a grizzly bear, which sheltered by the owners of the pharmacy. Subsequently, it grew so much that it occupied the right half of the park.

On the territory, there are several natural regions with their typical animals. Therefore, savannah, rainforest, Serengeti, Asia, and the local north-western region. Here 2200 species of animals and 260 species of birds represented, among which 21 are on the verge of extinction. All animals live in almost natural conditions.

Aviaries and territories planted with native plants for a specific species, which makes them feel much more comfortable. All birds do not live in cages, but in a vast botanical garden, also divided into natural zones. Here among the orchids, you can find bright tropical birds and pelicans.

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