Alaska Rivers: Best Rivers to visit in 2020

If you have a plan in your mind to visit Alaska rivers, then check out the following list of best Alaska rivers.

Tanana Alaska River

The Tanana River is the left tributary of the Yukon, flowing in eastern Alaska. The Native American name of the river was recorded in 1867 by an American expedition. It meant “mountain river,” and this term also refers to the tribe that lived in these parts. This is the best river among Alaska rivers.

Together with its tributaries, the Tanana accounts for about 30 percent of the total catchment of the Yukon, although together they are only one-fifth of the basin of this river. The banks of the Tanana River are rich in minerals, so it went down in history as a gold-bearing river. Since the middle of the XIX century, the events of the famous “Gold Rush” unfolded here. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the active development of the woodworking industry and agriculture began in the surrounding areas. Gradually located on the banks of the Tanana, the city of Fairbanks has become an important industrial center specializing in the production of potatoes and various crops.

An interesting fact is that the beginning of the ice drift on the Tanana River is a symbol of the beginning of spring in Alaska when navigation can open. Locals even have a tradition of predicting the start date of the ice drift. The prize fund in recent years has reached several hundred thousand dollars.

The climate in the Tanana Valley is quite severe, with significant temperature differences and stable fogs in the winter. In summer, due to permafrost and frequent rainfall, the area becomes swampy. But despite such severe climatic conditions, the landscapes in the Tanana Valley have some extraordinary, restrained beauty.

Gold mining on the beach of the Nome River

Alaska is the famous land of the gold rush. It is here that the famous Nom River is located, flowing into the Bering Sea, on the banks of which precious metal mined. The first gram of gold was discovered here by accident in 1898. This happened when three men walked along the shore, and one of them allegedly came across a stone sticking out of the sand, which turned out to be a large gold nugget.

For many years, people have learned to mine valuable metal in various sophisticated ways. After it became clear that the deposits were located not only on the shore but also on the bottom of the river, the miners began to dredge, hoping to stumble on gold bullion. People armed with shovels and zealously digging day and night – this is a fairly common occurrence in these places.

For the extraction of small fractions of gold, special washing bowls used, in which a fine sieve installed. There are no restrictions on the extraction of valuable metal on the coastal territory of Nome, the entrance to the beach is free, so every year, thousands of people try to get here with the hope of becoming fabulously wealthy.

Chen River

The Chen River Recreation Area got its name from the name of the river flowing near the city of Fairbanks. Chen originates in the White Mountains and flows into the Yukon tributary – Tanana. The length of the river is 160 km. On one of the sections of the river, a dam built, on which there is a research station for monitoring the number of fish populations. Tourists coming here can go on a short trip on a paddleboat. This is the best place to visit Alaska Rivers.

The Chen River Recreation Area located on the banks of the Chen River between picturesque hills covered with forest and rocky peaks proudly rise above them. Through the mountains, several hiking trails lead to the cliffs. From here, a magnificent panorama of the surroundings opens from the very height.

The two-day Granite Tor route is very popular with travelers. It leads to the so-called Plain of Monuments, dotted with volcanic rocks resembling medieval towers in their outlines. Forests are rich in berries and mushrooms, and there are many fish in the river, so the Chena River is perfect for amateur fishing.

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