Canyons in Nevada: Best Canyons in Nevada

Canyons in Nevada

There are plenty of natural Canyons in Nevada. If you are fond of rocks and canyons then this article is for you. There is the following list of best canyons in Nevada.

Red Rock Canyon in Nevada

Red Rock Canyon is a nature reserve located about 25 kilometers from Las Vegas. It is a unique natural monument. Six hundred million years ago, the canyon was under the ocean. This is the best canyon among all Canyons in Nevada.

Two hundred fifty million years ago, the earth’s crust began to rise, pushing out the formation of salt and gypsum from the water. Exposure of sections of the former ocean floor caused the rocks to oxidize, and they acquired a bizarre red color. Thanks to him, the canyon got its name.

The cliffs of the canyon stretched for several kilometers in length, and the total area of ​​the reserve is almost 80 hectares. Between the rocks, there is a small road on which you can move by car. This will make the journey through the canyon not only convenient but also comfortable.

Eldorado Canyon

The legendary and sometimes mythical canyon Eldorado located in Nevada, an hour’s drive from Las Vegas. During the gold rush, the location of Eldorado carefully hidden, and therefore the canyon was surrounded by all sorts of rumors and legends. It believed that only a lucky one could find a way here.

Having visited the canyon of Eldorado, you can learn about how the gold miners lived, see the conditions of their life, hold a pickax in your hands, and visit the gold mines. The guides will tell you about the harsh laws of the Wild West and, of course, tell you about several fascinating stories of the confrontation between malicious bandits and valiant cowboys (the surroundings of Eldorado served as scenery for countless American westerns).

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